All Saints’ Centennial

Celebrating 100 years of All Saints’

1925 - 2025

As we embark on All Saints’ Centennial, we seek to honor those who planted All Saints’ Parish, all who have passed through, all who have given of their lives, and all who received grace from this church community.

Our All Saints’ Centennial celebrations will deepen our faith, strengthen our relationships, and positively impact our wider community.

Centennial Steering Committee Members

Chris Cook (Chair), Peter Alexander, Cathy Barna, Susan Humphreville, Jean-Paul Jones, Brian Landers, Gerrie Maloof, Bonnie McClure, Canon Andrea McMillin, Dayna Roberts, Jeff Smith, John Tan, and Randy Whittell

Save the Date!

Centennial Gala, Saturday, May 3, 2025 at The Ebell of Los Angeles

Get out your dancing shoes and mark your calendars for a special 100th anniversary celebration at the famed venue in Hancock Park!

Cathy Barna & Jeff Smith, Chairs



Upcoming Centennial Events

The All Saints’ Salon

John Tan, Chair

The Centennial year will launch the inaugural season of The All Saints' Salon, a series of events that welcomes the wider public to engage in a spirited inquiry into life’s most compelling questions.

In an intimate setting that encourages conversation, every session brings a cultural thought leader into our midst to delve deeper into subjects that require insightful examination in the spirit of a Parisian salon.

Centennial Music Program Honoring Dr. Craig Phillips

Dayna Roberts, Chair

Enjoy our robust and renowned music program and concert season as we commemorate our milestone anniversary and celebrate Dr. Craig Phillips’ 36 years with All Saints’.

We are thrilled to announce a special service during the Centennial weekend (May 3, 2025) with the premiere of a mass composed by Dr. Phillips in which choir alumni will also perform.

Centennial Community Service Project

Gerrie Maloof, Chair

As we approach our Centennial Year, the Centennial Committee feels that a celebration without a strong service component would be inconsistent with our identity and our legacy. To that end, we are very pleased to announce new partnership opportunities with PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) and Habitat for Humanity. 

Founded by our own dear Clair and Rev. Charles Orr, PATH is doing extraordinary work in connecting people to permanent housing and providing supportive services for our homeless population.  More information will be forthcoming about partnership opportunities with this vital ministry!

Whether you volunteer once or become a regular part of our service project, All Saints’ is committed to building our community while helping those in need.

Centennial Oral History Project

Every parishioner has a story about how their lives have been touched by All Saints'. The collective fabric of those stories makes All Saints' what it is today. We will be collecting your video memories in the form of a time capsule for future generations. Stay tuned for details!

Centennial Liturgical Programs

The Rev. Canon Andrea McMillin, Chair

Step back in time and experience the rich history of All Saints’ through special worship services drawn from the liturgical traditions of our founding years. Join us as we celebrate our sacred heritage of music and prayer, and look to the future with hope and gratitude.

Children, Youth & Families Picnic

We look forward to celebrating with all of our current and alumni Children, Youth, and Families with a fun-filled picnic event in the Spring of 2025 to commemorate our Centennial celebration.

Centennial Book Publication

Bonnie McClure & Randy Whittell, Chairs

We are producing a beautiful commemorative book about the history of All Saints’ which will be available for purchase Spring 2025.

Centennial Gala

Cathy Barna & Jeff Smith, Chairs

Please join us for the capstone of our year-long celebration by attending the All Saints’ Centennial Gala on Saturday, May 3, 2025 at The Ebell of Los Angeles. We look forward to welcoming back our past clergy and leadership as we celebrate this wonderful milestone with food, drink, and music!

Past Events

Centennial Kickoff Breakfast Event

Brian Landers, Chair

Just imagine what it must have been like to attend the very first All Saints’ services back in 1925 when they were held at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Now imagine returning to our roots with a Centennial Breakfast on Friday, January 24, 2025 which will kick-off a 100 day countdown to the Saturday, May 3, 2025 Centennial Gala at The Ebell of Los Angeles!

Tickets are $125, and tables are available for purchase as well.

Click the button below to purchase your ticket and find more information about reserving a table!