Giving at All Saints’
Make a Meaningful Impact With Your Generosity
When you give to All Saints’ with a generous heart, you are furthering the work that God is doing in and through our church.
Support our mission to spread the love of God in the world!

Dear beloved members and friends of All Saints’ Episcopal Church,
Thank you for your love and care for All Saints’! Our church thrives through your ministry, prayers, and financial support. Making a pledge is more than a financial decision—it’s a spiritual commitment. Therefore, I invite you to prayerfully consider your 2025 pledge. Every gift strengthens our ministries as we carry on our founders’ vision.
A century ago, a group of Episcopalians gathered at the Beverly Hills Hotel, united by faith, prayer, and music. Today, we continue that journey, rooted in Jesus Christ and our commitment to the church. All Saints’ has always been a sanctuary for worship, prayer, and spiritual growth.
In recent years, we’ve rebuilt and strengthened programs like faith formation, youth and children’s ministries, worship, and pastoral care. We are working toward a sustainable budget by aligning our needs and resources and exploring new revenue streams. We’ve enhanced our communication by expanding our social media presence and promoting our worship, music, and ministries. By shining our light, we have drawn in newcomers who seek to love and serve Christ. In this vibrant moment, let’s recognize God’s abundant gifts and the good work happening here through worship, learning, connection, and outreach.
Each of us plays a role in shaping All Saints’ future. Your financial gift sustains our mission, enabling us to live out our call as “disciples who make disciples.”
Please join us as we celebrate by presenting your pledge at our All Saints’ Day ingathering service on Sunday, November 3. We will have pledge cards available on Sunday morning, (or click “Make Your 2025 Pledge” above). May God bless you for your generosity, and may our shared mission continue to flourish. .
Your Sister in Christ,
The Rev. Cn. Andrea McMillin
Priest in Charge
All Saints’ Beverly Hills
Financial Update
All Saints’ treasurer Susan Humphreville gives an update on the financial state of the parish for 2024.
Love Notes to All Saints’
We asked parishioners to write down what they love about All Saints’ Beverly Hills
Here are some more love notes to All Saints’ that we (tried to) on camera…including outtakes!
More Ways to Give
In Person
We accept in-person donations when plates are passed during service. You can also drop off your donations, including pledges, to the Welcome Table on the patio on Sundays or to the office during the week.
Make a donation to All Saints’ here or through Venmo at
Please make your checks payable to All Saints’ Episcopal Church and mail them to:
All Saints’ Church
504 North Camden Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Planned Giving
A planned gift is a form of charitable giving made in the context of your estate planning. Some frequently used types of planned gifts include a bequest in a will, life insurance, an IRA or 401K, and more. Learn more about planned giving here.