Parish Transition

Looking for information about the parish transition at All Saints’?
This page serves as an information hub for our transition process. You will find a description of the Rector Discernment process, information on the Profile Committee responsibilities, a timeline to guide you through the transition process, and updates throughout the process.
Scroll down to learn more!
For questions, please contact Jeff Smith, Senior Warden.
For corrections, please contact
A Prayerful Transition
This process is saturated in prayer every step of the way.
The Bishop's office, led by Canon Tom Discavage and Canon Melissa McCarthy, has guided us from the beginning.
Canon Tom presented the entire process to the Vestry in late 2022 and early 2023, and continues to guide the Vestry throughout the transition process.
See the approved Parish Profile, shared with the parish on November 30, 2023 via the All Things All Saints newsletter.
Get information about what parts of the processes have happened thus far, such as the Parish Survey.
Learn more about our Profile Committee and what their responsibilities and deliverables are.
Learn more about the timeline for prayerful listening and discernment throughout the transition.
See the Vestry’s discernment and decisions as they go through their prayerful flow of action.
A prayer for our Church, our Clergy, our Vestry, and all those who serve our Congregation
Heavenly God, Spirit of Hope and Comfort,
You are the great physician;
Your will for all people is healing and wholeness;
You mend what is broken and restore what is lost.
Grant, we pray, the wisdom, knowledge
and understanding of your will for our Parish;
And pour out the gift of your compassionate grace
on our vestry and all those who serve.
Strengthen your servants and bless them with clarity and careful discernment,
as we manifest our collective vision for our beloved All Saints.
Restore to us the glory of your love and joy of spirit,
That in renewed health, faith and refined wholeness,
We may love and serve you with joy and gladness all our days;
Through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.