All Saints’ Vestry

Meet Our Board of Directors

Jeff Smith

Randy Whittell

Bonnie McClure

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Susan Humphreville, Treasurer of the Vestry at All Saints' Beverly Hills

Susan Humphreville

All Saints' Episcopal Church of Beverly Hills Vestry Member, Carl Anderson
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  • Claire has been a member of All Saints’ for over four years and serves in the Children & Family Ministry as a Children’s Chaplain and leader of the Youth Group. As an active member of the 20s/30s Group, she also serves on its leadership team. Claire is originally from Arlington, Virginia and is a lifelong Episcopalian. She works as an entertainment attorney.

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All Saints' Episcopal Church of Beverly Hills Vestry Member, Karen Ide
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All Saints' Episcopal Church of Beverly Hills Vestry Member, Lonnie Hinckley
  • Lonnie has been a member of All Saints’ for 8 years and is completing a 3-year Vestry term. She serves as an EV, LEM and is a member of the ASBH Pastoral Care team and Bereavement team. She led the Monday Meal and currently leads the Trinity Project. Lonnie has said that ASBH provides her with a connection to the work that Jesus calls us to do. Lonnie is a retired wholesale home furnishings business owner.

All Saints' Episcopal Church of Beverly Hills Vestry Member, Clarke Morrow
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All Saints' Episcopal Church of Beverly Hills Vestry Member, Lisa Schwab
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  • Sharon has been a member of All Saints’ for 25 years where she is an usher and a member of the Altar Guild. Previously, Sharon was a Greeter, served in the bookstore, and worked alongside Lonnie on the Monday meal. She has been employed as a CPA in the Family Office space for over 40 years. Sharon finds ASBH to be very welcoming and a place where her faith is enriched by thoughtful sermons, adult education and by having a nonjudgemental forum to find a spectacularly loving God.

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Vestry Committees

  • Our Buildings & Grounds Committee meets monthly and oversees general maintenance issue as well as special, long-range projects to enhance and support our sacred space.

    Tom Fleming, Chair

  • The Finance Committee meets monthly and reviews our financial position with regard to both our operating budget and investments. They make and propose an annual budget to the vestry for approval.

    Susan Humphreville, Chair

Curious about The Vestry?

The Vestry, which consists of twelve elected members of the parish and the Rector, is the leadership body responsible for the parish; they are the church’s Board of Directors. They represent the whole parish in major areas of decision-making and help to discern the kind of parish we are called to be!

The Vestry Meeting Minutes






