Parish Transition
Profile Committee
Learn about the Profile Committee and what their responsibilities and deliverables are during the Parish Transition.
Profile Committee Members
Kevin Yoder, Chair
Marissa Flaxbart
Gerrie Maloof
Bonnie McClure
Kevin Shrum
Ranlyn Wrede
Actions & Deliverables
Forms as a committee, as charged by the vestry in January 2023
Reviews 2018 profile as recommended by bishop's office.
Plans and conducts Story Day led by Canon Tom.
Designs and implements survey (based on diocesan survey by Canon Tom) and compiles results.
Writes profile, telling the story of the church community.
Delivers profile draft to vestry and to bishop’s office for review according to Canon Tom's guidelines.
Makes changes if needed.
Submits profile to Vestry for approval.
Submits approved profile to Bishop's Office for review.
The Parish Profile
The profile is a document designed to outline where we are as a parish: where we have been, some of our strengths and challenges and our hopes.
It is used to advertise the position, guide applicants in discerning a possible call to All Saints’, and guide our committees in their discernment. Our website, conversations, interviews, and parish input are additional ways for us to discern as a community.
Ultimately, as the Episcopal Church is structured, the vestry makes the final discernment and decision about who the next rector will be. We ask for your prayers during this time.