Volunteer With
Project Angel Tree

Help Make Christmas Magical
1 in 28 American children have incarcerated parents.
Angel Tree makes Christmas special for these children by providing Christmas gifts handed out by Santa at a special Christmas party!
Visit the Project Angel Tree table on Sundays during the Christmas season and pick up a child’s gift request.
Early in the Christmas season, Angel Tree volunteers staff a table on the patio on Sundays with gifts tags that list a gift one child wants. Parishioner can sign up to take a gift tag (or two or three!) and purchase and wrap that gift for a child on behalf of their incarcerated parent.
Volunteers then organize the gifts and a Christmas party for the children. Complete with pizza, cake, and a magic show, the children attend the party on All Saints’ campus where Santa is there to hand out the gifts!
These gifts let the children know that their parents are thinking about them and love them. It’s a time of joy made possible by the generosity of everyone who participates.