Welcome to All Saints’
Church Center!
Beginning summer 2024, All Saints’ will begin using an exciting, brand new tool to connect, collaborate, and grow our amazing community!
Via the CHURCH CENTER mobile app, parishioners will be able to interact, communicate, engage & stay informed with all the amazing things going on at All Saints’.
All members of the congregation will be able to view their volunteer and worship service schedules, be active members of Affinity Groups and Faith Formation Classes, and even sign up and pay for events & activities!
Members of the parish will also be able to keep up with past sermons, watch services live, rewatch special events and music concerts, along with other special content found only on the app.
Download the CHURCH CENTER app today from your phone’s app store and follow the simple steps to get set up.
Scroll down for more videos & support to get you started today!
How to set up the Church Center App on your mobile device:
This video will help you get the Church Center App set up on your mobile device.
Additional How to Videos
*more coming soon
Church Center Support
Use the Church Center Support Form to get help with all things Church Center:
Click the button below and submit your request, we promise to get back to you ASAP.
Submit for any/all question(s) or issues you might have with the All Saints’ Church Center app.
I’m not sure how to?
Can I get help setting this up?
How do I; do this, find this, change this etc.?