More Ways to Worship
Worship is Central to Life at All Saints’
Worship doesn’t have to be all about Sunday morning! In fact, we offer opportunities to come together and rejoice as a community all throughout the week and in a variety of different forms, so you can join us and participate in whatever way makes you feel most comfortable and welcome.
Sunday Services
8:00 am: Holy Eucharist Worship (40 min)
10:00 am: Choral Holy Eucharist Worship (60 min)
7 pm: AS2 Contemporary Worship (once a month)
Periodically on Wednesday evenings, we gather in the glow of our candlelit sanctuary for a quiet evening service and pause for a tranquil and peaceful note.
Taizé began decades ago in the ecumenical French monastic community called Taizé in Burgundy. Here, it gifts us with an uncomplicated framework for quiet meditation, reflection, readings, and music, and allows us to deepen our faith through the communal power of peaceful prayer.
You’re encouraged to participate as the Spirit moves you, whether that be in song, prayer, or just quiet meditation. Taizé is here to quiet your soul and bring peace to your mind in whatever way works best for you.
Choral Evensong
The most uniquely Anglican of services, Evensong offers the opportunity to worship in meditation and prayer, as led by the choir.
Evensong, or sung Evening Prayer, has provided a daily opportunity for stillness, meditation, prayer, and praise since the 16th century and has been practiced in the cathedrals, chapels, and great parish churches of England for centuries. Music features sung prayers, glorious settings of the canticles and psalms, and hymns and anthems. These services are offered throughout the year and are followed by a reception in our courtyard and the opportunity for fellowship.
Missa Mystica
Throughout the liturgical year, the choirs mark many of the major feast days with choral settings of the Holy Eucharist. On these occasions, the choir offers wonderful sung settings of the Eucharist. From Renaissance to contemporary, these great works have illuminated the liturgy through the ages. These services offer a special time for contemplation and reflection.